Kelly is currently a senior at Stony Brook University studying computer science. She is always eager to learn and likes to ask many (sometimes too many) questions. She has an interest in front-end programming and has recently picked up cooking. She is slowly building up her arsenal after watching various cooking videos on YouTube.


Java C Golang Python JavaScript Bootstrap Adobe Photoshop


Automated Redistricting

Software Engineering

A Gerrymander is a voting district that is designed to serve some political purpose. Our system aims to fight against gerrymandering for more politcally fair congressional districts.

Simple Shell

Systems Fundamentals II

A basic shell environment that executes command line input as expected of a shell, supports redirection.


Principles of Database Systems

A simplified version of the travel agency website Kayak that allows a user to create an account, search and book flights/cruises/etc.

Stony Brook Script

Principles of Programming Languages

A simple programming language that takes from both Java and Python that is able to handle assignments, conditionals, loops and can run a simple program (e.g., isPrime).

Technical Writing

Technical Communications

A course in which work involves writing business communications, user manuals, press releases, literature reviews, and research abstracts.

Digital Arts Portfolio

Introduction to Digital Art

A show of my creative works spanning from an interactive e-book, a stop-motion video, and a cinemagram.